January 9, 2017


Hey. . . sows?

Whatever. It's time. I finished a book. I know, shocking. Why else would I be here?

Eve, by Anna Carey, is a book about a futuristic dystopian America where tons of orphan girls are put into Schools. What Eve finds out is that they aren't actually going to learn trades to later go forth into the City of Sands. They have a much more daunting and horrifying job. Eve escapes the horror of that reality and meets up with Arden, another girl from the School. They aren't in any way friends, but they eventually get along. Then they meet Caleb, a male. In School, the girls were conditioned to fear and hate males, so that doesn't really go off to a good start, but he agrees to take them somewhere safe. So their journey begins.

This book. This girl. Holy crap did she make me cringe. Like every step, every decision, every word. Well, not every, but still. Her first words to Caleb (who I believe is black, btw) are, "I know what you're planning and it's not going to work. . . You want to have intercourse with me." Bruh. For realz though. Like that's what you're going to say to the boy who has swept you away on the back of his horse? Then she just does stupid crap. Like, I know you just got out of your sheltered, psychological conditioning school and everything, but can you have a bit of common sense please? Ugh.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the book enough to get past her stupidity. Or maybe I just wanted to see how it ended, who knows. The end kind of got me. There were no tears, but there was a pang. We'll see how the second one goes. Will I finish the series? That's a big who knows from me.

Ship: Eve and Caleb?
Heart: Benny and Silas, Arden even though she's a jerk

~Book Panda

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