May 8, 2017


Hello netherling,

How's it going? You doing good? I hope so. I'm sick, because I had to go to a track meet in the rain with 50-40 degree weather. I love running. My relays didn't make it any better, because they didn't try. Thanks team.

Anyway, I finished Unhinged today. The writing this time was like the color of a blueberry when you squish it. I could have finished it yesterday, but I was doing this weird stalling thing. It's weird and hard to explain. Don't worry about it. Unhinged is basically about Alyssa fighting for her human life, despite all the signs that say she needs to go back to Wonderland. Jeb and her have plans for after school, but Morpheus visits her dreams. It's great.

So Jeb, who I still don't like, doesn't remember anything from Wonderland. Morpheus is great. Wonderland is calling to her. I don't see what the problem is. Jeb has not broadcasted any outstanding qualities that make me feel like the pull she feels between the two is warranted. There are like two moments that I'm like, aww, but those are dwarfed by all the moments I'm like, ew.

I feel like I should have more valuable content after last weeks post, but it isn't coming to me. You can blame my sickness. Or my incompetency. Whichever suits your fancy.

Ship: Alyssa and Morpheus

~Book Panda

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