February 27, 2017


Hello alien babies,

That's a book reference. For those of you who haven't discovered the stunning crafting of Jennifer L. Armentrout's Lux series, leave. Go read it. All of it. This will still be here in two weeks.

For those of you who know what I'm talking about. Hey. Did you know that there's a 1.5? That's from the one and only Daemon's perspective? So clearly, I had to go find and read it as soon as humanly possible. There was no other choice. So here I am. Reviewing it, or whatever the heck it is I do on this blog. It's kind of just turned into a place to rant about books. But it's fine. because no one sees it. Except the government. Hey government.

Oblivion is just Obsidian from Daemon's perspective, like I said. (There's the link for those of you government officials who can't follow directions. So all of you.) So even more amazing. It makes me all sorts of happy that Daemon liked her from the beginning. Like in Obsidian you just see Daemon as this hot-and-cold jerkwad who's super hot. Even though he was a jerkwad, I still loved him. Not that I know that he really didn't want to act that way all the time, I love him even more. Team Daemon all the way. Of course, I don't think there really is another team. That just makes it easier for us to win I guess. Anyway, Daemon. He's great. I like Katy even more now to, because you see how awesome Daemon thinks she is and she just becomes greater. Agh. So many feels. Feeeels! Send help.

I have no bad things to say about this book. If you government people do, feel free to leave. This blog. Your position in the government. America. Whichever suits your fancy. Just kidding, that was an alternative fact.

Ship: who else?
Stab: Ash

10/10 would recommend
Series: 10/10 would recommend
~Book Panda

February 23, 2017


Hello everybody,

Welcome to the blog about a book. Now, this book is called Wayfarer, but it should be called All the Ways You Can Keep a Ship Apart via Time Travel. Ridiculous. It was--I just--THEY WERE IN THE SAME PLACE DANG IT!

I'm sorry. Let me try and contain my emotions. So. Wayfarer is when (GO READ THE OTHER ONE IF YOU HAVEN'T DANG IT!) Nick and Etta are split up. Nick is looking for Etta and Etta is looking for the astrolabe since she believes Nick is safe in Damascus still. Etta finds herself with the Thorns and Julian Ironwood. Nick is traveling with freaking Sophia and they come across this Chinese girl. None of this is the bad part though. That happens like in the middle-end, but I can't tell you that, as that would be a pretty major spoiler. AGHHHH.

But it's okay. Everything works out. That help that I ordered, I don't need it anymore.

Anyway. Nick. Nick is still a blessing to all mankind. We all need a Nick in our life. Etta is still pretty bad. I mean bad in the Michael Jackson way, not the awful way. I despise Sophia with a passion. Julian is an annoying little brat. Rose is kind of awful. In the awful way. Henry's great. Love Henry.

'Twas a good book. I liked it the same as the first one. It's a good little duology. I'm glad Alexandra didn't try and drag it out. That wouldn't have went well. Yup. That's all my mind has got. Thank you French readers. You're accidental look ups are always welcome.

Ship: Etta and Nick

Series: 9/10
~Book Panda

February 17, 2017


Hello travelers,

I did something different this time. Not only did I finish a book, but I re-read a book. I know, it's crazy. Don't get too worked up about it. It's not like I re-read all the books.

Since I like to imagine that my readers, if I had any, can read, you all know that I finished Passenger today. It's about a girl named Etta. She's just trying to get a feel for what her violin debut would feel like when she gets interupted by this God awful noise. A bunch of cringe-worthy bullcrap happens and the next thing she knows, she's on a boat. Just as a frame of reference, the Met is not on or by water. Then enters Nick, this pirate lad who's trying to figure out how to deal with the lady passengers on his boat. Of course, they go on adventures together, but they're of the time traveling variety, which makes it much more exciting.

I re-read Passenger because I got all excited that Wayfarer was coming out but then I was like, wait how did this happen? Who's Sophia? Aren't they a thing? Shouldn't they be together? Isn't he dead? Basically, I was very confused and I only read the summary. Lucky for me, the second time around was just as good as the first. Nick was still a grumpy sweetheart. Sophia is still trash. Ironwoods still need to stop everything. It's all good. All the parts that matter were great. I did find myself confusing part of this book with another book, but that just means I have to go re-read that. Bummer. So upsetting.

Anyway, good book. Would recommend. Also, while I'm here, Alexandra Bracken wrote some other books that were amazing. I shed so many tears. Like, so many. So good. They're The Darkest Minds series. These are more of a magic realism type of series, so if you're into that type of thing, go check them out.

Ship: Etta and Nick fo lyfe
Despise: Everyone who tryna hold my ship down

~Book Panda

February 12, 2017

Black City series

Alright, listen:

You ever pick up a book, and you're just like, "I don't wanna read this."

That's what happened with Phoenix. I don't really know why, but it did. Sorry invisible readers. So here are the links to the Goodreads summaries. It's the least I can do since I became trash for no real reason.


~Book Panda

February 10, 2017

Black City

Hello Darklings,

This book was a bit of an emotional whirlwind. There was a lot of slamming the book closed and shaking my head in annoyance. A lot of confused facial expressions and overall exasperation. I did get through it though.

The emotional pit I fell into was Black City by Elizabeth Richards. There's a half-human boy who's trying to make ends meet and fight off the loneliness of being the only one of his kind and a sheltered ditzy politicians daughter who doesn't understand how the world works. They meet on accident and it just so happens that afterwards they keep getting thrown together. Conflict and tension seem to brew with every step in Black City yet Ash and Natalie seem to only think of each other. What's up with that?

To be honest, I first picked up this book because the cover is sick. I didn't even realize it was a rose until yesterday, but it's awesome. Though I came for the cover, I stayed for the book. It was rough at some points. The main characters got irrationally angry at each other for little baby reasons or reasons they themselves caused (*cough cough* Natalie, stop means stop). Then some character will show up and try to mess up my ship. I was going to fight her.

I didn't like Natalie in the beginning. She was so ignorantly stupid it hurt. Like, you just gave your SLAVE an ownership bracelet tag thing, and you think she'd be happy about that? That you're giving her a tag and saying she belongs to you like she isn't a person? WTF. And then she'd say hurtful things on purpose then be like, oh maybe I shouldn't have said that. Actually no, she'd be like, ohhhh he's so scary. I don't know why he's so mean. It's not like I just provoked him or anything. I was literally going to fight her too. The only reason she had any sympathy from me was because her mom was a dick. She hated her for no reason and controlled all aspects of her life because "she wasn't capable of making reasonable decisions". Ugh. Ash was amazing though. Ash is bae.

'Twas a good book though, I enjoyed it. If the people chilled out a bit it would be better, but after reading the summary for the next one, it doesn't look that way at all. But whatever.

Ship: Ash and Natalie
Die: Sebastian, Emissary Mother, Evangeline,

~Book Panda

February 6, 2017

Infinite Risk

What up time paradoxes,

To be quite honest, I almost forgot to write this.

I finished Infinite Risk today. It didn't end like I though it was going to. I was pleasantly surprised. So Edie decides to go back in time to Kian's freshman year of high school so she can save him. She goes by a fake name and lives in a crappy room, but she's determine to save Kian from the early death she feels like she caused. It's actually kind of sweet though I was kind of sad she was going to give up her life to save his, but I got it.

In this one we see more of The Harbinger, who I didn't realize was one of my favorite characters until this book. He kind of snuck up on me. He's a sweetheart. I was so glad that this book wasn't the mess that Rise was. Infinite Risk was about trying to get Kian out of his shell and happy while trying not to get too close. He was technically too young and she didn't want him attached to her when she knew she couldn't stay, even though she did love him. It was cute. I would have cried a little at the end, but my friend kept talking to me and breaking my immersion. No one has respect for the inaccessibility of reading. It's rude. I feel quite attacked.

Good book though, good series. Definitely better than the Eve trilogy. Go read it.

Ship: Edie/Nine and the Harbinger
Heart: friend squad, Selena, Harbinger, baby Kian

Series: 8/10
~Book Panda

February 4, 2017

Public Enemies

You know, I think Ann Aguirre is a twisted, sadistic, little dick.

I was like, yeah. Imma try again, and it'll be great. This is a different book, she won't ruin my life again. Then it happened and I was like

So now I have to tell you what happened.

Public Enemies begins with the remains of the Kramer family still shocked by the death of Mama Kramer, understandably. Add that to the fact that Edie just found out that Kian only has a six months to live, and it makes for a hard holiday season. Then you have to factor in being under The Harbinger's thumb and the immortals sending in foot soldiers to come at her. It's just not a good time. Edie's trying, but not really because other stuff happens, to find a loophole for Kian and ultimately win "the game".

If you had a gander at my review for Once, you know what Ann did. Again. Why can't my ships just run off into the distance. I don't understand. This never happened in the Razorland series. At all. Bae lived to ripe old age and I rejoiced. Now I have to deal with this crap, sinking my ships.

Besides that, there was quite a lot of death in this book. So much so that I wasn't even sad about it towards the end. I was angry and then a little indifferent. That isn't very good, in my opinion. Don't get me wrong. it was a good book. It just. . . could we hold off on the death? Like could that be a thing? We'll see. Wish me luck.

Ship: ????????????

~Book Panda