Hello friend,
From the time passage, I'm sure you know what happened. I tried to read a book, and that book wasn't read. It took me a while to realize why I wouldn't read that book. To put it simply, she keeps being manipulated by people who are known manipulators and is then surprised that she is being manipulated. I can't deal with stupidity. I already know that Valko is going to be set free because of her and then he's going to do something awful. Then she's going to be all upset, like, I should have known. Yes. You should have. And then she's going to be like, I don't understand why they won't let me help. Well, it's because you're incompetent, but okay. Also, I was right about her being more than an Auraseer. We stan my abilities. One more thing, before I leave. Anton is weirdly affectionate now. In the last book, he was like, I can't give you what you want, even though I love you. And then he was all distant but trying. Three weeks later and that's dead and gone? Can't believe it.
I'm so behind on my reading schedule, but I think I'm going to reread the Throne of Glass series instead. I'm going back to school in a few weeks and I don't want to lug them back to school again. There's seven, they are beautiful, and I also don't feel like crying in public spaces again. So. I'll do throne of glass, catch up on the books that have come out since November, then get to my regularly scheduled program. Idk why I'm telling you this. You don't know my schedule. It just helps to write it down, I guess. Whatever. Have a nice day. See you when I see you.
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