You know, I feel like I should have known. I should've known this crap would happen. Why have a happy ending when you can just piss of everyone.
Once begins with Eve living in Califia, the haven for women. Caleb isn't with her, but she thinks of him constantly. After reuniting with Arden, she hears of a sighting of Caleb. So she goes to him. That's when the trash begins.
*WARNING invisible readers, major spoilers, major rants ahead*
So that scared little boy soldier that Eve let go on her way to Califia, he set a trap for her. He immediately captures Eve and Arden. He's a dick. Then they put Arden back in School, the one place she'd rather die than go back to. Why let Arden escape? That would be silly. Why have happiness for anyone? After leaving her there, Eve is taken to the City of Sand where she finds out that she's the king's daughter. He's a dick too. A major one. Some chump "likes her", but bae gets into the city. So you think everything's going to be okay. Then he just has to walk her home after she spends the night with him. As if she can't find her way back to the giant palace in the center of the city. Of course, he gets caught. And dick-Dad is like, "Yup we gotta kill him. Your feelings for him aren't a thing because those rapscallions out in the wild? Manipulative. Deceptive. Nothing like myself, who has told the people of my city that all the kids in labor camps and Schools volunteered to do the work. Nope, he gotta die." So Eve is like, I'll marry your stupid head architect if you just let bae go. Then he's like, fine. But doesn't let him go. Because God forbid anybody have happiness. Like what is he going to do out in the wild? It's not like he can contact anyone. Eve, being a crafty girl devises a plan to escape the city and free Caleb with the help of the dissidents. Then her stupid maid snitches. Eve gets caught, Harper and Caleb get freaking murdered, and Eve still has to marry whatever the architect guy's name is.
This whole book is a load of baby back bullswhack. Like, I don't understand. Why can't anyone be happy. The freaking king is the antagonist is getting his way. I mean, I know the series isn't over, but normally there's some type of hope. Now there's no hope. Caleb is DEAD. She has nothing to fight for except for revenge. And you can't just run on revenge. That's not how it works. But you know, what do I know about books? I've only been reading since I was four.
I'm not sure why I'm reading the last book, as it's probably going to piss me off more and not satiate my thirst for, I don't know, a satisfying ending. I mean, when the ships gone, what's the point. It can't even really be called a romance anymore.
Why am I doing this to myself?
Ship: what's there to ship. all ships are sunk.
Love: there's no hope.
Hate: Anna Carey
~Fight Me