January 30, 2017

Mortal Danger

Hey pawns,

You know, you're going to be like, wtf is this person doing to themselves? And after she just finished that trash series too? What are you doing? Let me explain.

So I finished a book called Mortal Danger today by Ann Aguirre. "The same Ann Aguirre from the--" Yes, we don't talk about it. I didn't know they where by the same author. I don't pay attention to that stuff. Unless it's an author I love, then I pick up the book without reading the summary. But that's an entirely different issue. Mortal Danger is about a girl after revenge. Edie was driven to make the ultimate decision, but a beautiful boy stopped her and offered her a deal. Now Edie can take out the beautiful people from the inside. But the deal she made goes much deeper than just her. There are things out there, things trying to get her. Will she be able to get her revenge and keep those close to her safe?

I liked this book better than Eve, which I call a win. Edie didn't suddenly turn into a raging beeyatch airhead when she turned pretty, which I appreciated. Too many times, the main character turns pretty and then loses all the sense God gave them. It's ridiculous. Also, Kian is a sweetheart. But, you know. Good book. Would recommend. I kind of don't have a lot to say that's this book related.

Random thing you don't care about: I had this really vivid dream about this hot guy that I don't talk to at school. I was like lying in the grass and he was leaning over me, telling me he liked me. I knew it was a dream because I hate outside. I wouldn't just decided to go lie in some grass. In real life, the only conversation we ever had was him asking me the answers to a chem lab. So yeah. I'm sure that enlightened you to so many levels of whateverness. You're welcome.

Ship: Edie and Kian
Heart: Kian
Die: Immortal nightmares

~Book Panda

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