March 5, 2019

Chasing Red

Hi it's me,

Being incompetent and silly. So. You may be wondering,  "Dude, where's the second book? What The Dark Days whatever? What is red?" To that, I have a tiny, crappy story. I was trying to read that second book, I don't even remember what it's called, and it took me like 3 days to read 100 pages. Lady Margeret was testing my nerves and those Elizabethan or Victorian or whatever sensibilities were also testing me. Then I had this flashback of my finishing the book years ago and thinking I didn't really need nor want to read the last book. I then tried to make it through another hundred pages, but alas, I wasn't having it. And so I switched, to something sensible in a stressful time. Romance. Not only romance, but romance recommended to me by my sister, the love of my life. A birthday present, if you will.

Chasing Red was originally a Wattpad story by Isabelle Ronin. She then got it printed and made it into two books, the first of which being Chasing Red. Simply put, this book is about a manwhore who finally sobers up, sexually, because he's enraptured with this girl he saw at a club. That's it. That's the story. The two main characters are Caleb and Veronica, who Caleb almost exclusively calls Red. Veronica is very wary of everyone, having been burned often in the past by those close to her. Caleb is a rich boy with little to no cares in the world. Basically, he gives her a place to stay and so it's the roommates to lovers thing.

Was this a fantastic, Beautiful Disaster level book? No. But I liked it. I had a few problems with Caleb early on because he was unnecessarily pushy in my eyes. She'd be like, nah I'm good. And he'd be like, you're doing it. I didn't like that. And then she'd be like we aren't dating, and he'd be like actually we are. Because we kissed. And I was like ????? [insert Tolo noise here]. Eventually, he grew on me, for better or for worse. Veronica I liked. She had like, lowkey anxiety, but a little anxiety never hurt anyone. Except for those people fifty years ago they put in facilities. But, she's cool. She's independent and wants to do stuff on her own. She doesn't want stupid rich boys to try and pay for her stuff. She just isn't going to eat, thanks. There were some chapters from the perspectives of two snakes, and I could have done without them. I mean, did I need to know about them? I guess. Did I need to know just how snake-like they were? Yes. But do I like them? One hundred percent no. They can both go fall off the edge of the earth.

Hmm. I have nothing else really. Also, I have to go to work, so I gotta go. This book wasn't perfect, and I can tell it was on Wattpad or something before, but it's good. Okay, gotta go, byeee.

Ship: Veronica and Caleb
Love: Kara, Beth
Confused: Cameron
Snake: Justin, Beatrice-Rose

~Book Panda

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