One day. One day I'll stop trying to read books during finals week. That wasn't this week and it certainly won't be next round. Because why not be self-destructive? It's, and I can't stress this enough, fiiiiiiine.
Today, after long 10-20 page intervals, I finished The Girl in the Tower. After Vasya has to leave her home or be put to death, she decides to be a traveler. She realizes it's harder than it seems and Morozko helps her out a bit. Masquerading as a boy for convenience, she tracks a band of bandits and saves some girls. This gains her the favor of the king but causes her siblings to have to lie on her behalf. Then the rest of the chaos ensues.
I'd like to start off by saying that I really need either Morozko to become mortal or for Vasya to become immortal so they can be together. They'd be so good together. I realize this is a feminist series about a girl finding her own way in a time when girls aren't supposed to have any way, but I still want them to have some sort of relationship. I'd prefer romantic, but I guess I'd be okay with a bromance. I do like how this fairy tale breaks away from the normal fairy tale and makes Vasya the hero of her own story. She figures out how to save everyone. She's the one who found the bandits. An overall, good story. If I had read it all in one go, I'd have liked it better, but I couldn't. Stress makes me not be able to focus. Then I had this coffee incident. . . but that's not what we're talking about.
Actually, I don't have much to talk about, because it literally took me like, two weeks to read this book. Am I ashamed? Yes. I'm ashamed of me. But there's nothing I could have done. I had papers to write, exams to study for, and all that jazz. If you want some insight on the book maybe. . . go read it.
Ship: Vasya and Morozko
~Book Panda
Book Panda's Blog
This is a blog. A blog about books. Mostly fantasy, but I stray from that sometimes when I want to feel spontaneous. Or just when I feel like it. I do what I want.
May 18, 2019
May 5, 2019
The Bear and the Nightingale
Hi gamers,
How's your day been? Mine has been a waste. I meant to start/finish a paper before the next week deadline, so I wasn't stressed. You know what I did instead? Finished a book I should've finished Friday and this book I'm gonna talk about right now.
I just finished The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden, the first in the Winternight Trilogy. It's a rendition of Russian folklore, though I couldn't tell you the entirety of the folklore. Basically, the book takes place in a fantastical medieval Russia, out in the low key country/forest. Vasilisa's mother dies giving birth to her. Eventually, her father gets remarried and the stepmother is, as per usual, a monster. She's made it impossible to follow their old ways, with major consequences following. Then she tries to send Vasilisa away, who's the only one keeping their lands functional. With little house spirits and mysterious demons, this should not have taken me five days to read, but alas.
So, I've been waiting for the final book in this series to come out for a while. Since it had been a while, I forgot what it was about. Then I read the blurb, and I was furious. I could've used this book for my whole paper. But it's fine. I'm not bitter or anything. Plus, it's a good book. I've developed a love for fairy tales and this is like something I want to write. A whole fairy tale, but in novel form. I think a bit of what took me so long was because I was used to reading like, 10-page fairy tales with wide margins and this is a whole 300-page book. Also, the fact that I was angry that if I read faster earlier in the year, I could have used this for my paper. But all is well.
Vasilisa is a queen. She was born in the wrong time period and could be the wildest girl she wanted it she was created in the 21st century. Unfortunately, she wasn't, and that's part of the purpose of the story. I like how she always stays true to herself. She trusts herself more than those around her and she doesn't succumb to the will of the patriarchy. I also appreciate her brother, Alyosha? I don't really understand the Russian naming system. There's like five different names people are called and I'm not sure why. Like, Vasilisa is called Vasya most of the time. But why? I guess I should go look up Russian stuff. Anyway, Alyosha is a cool dude. I also liked Sasha, but he was kind of pretentious for no reason. I like how he went off to be a monk, but he's very bad at it.
Konstantin was a wild creature. Like, part of me liked him but the other part wanted him to just chill. Stay in church and paint your pictures. Also, he was very God-fearing, which is whatever, but he painted idols and the people worshipped him. So doesn't that make him an idolatrous? I know I don't read my Bible like I should, but that's what it looked like. Morozko is interesting. I know she's not to trust him, because he's chaotic neutral Jack Frost, but I do. Her dad, patriarchal. The oldest brother, patriarchal. Anna. Needs to go to an asylum. Why couldn't her dad just put her in the convent? All my problems would be solved. I kind of understand her, but also, go away.
All right, I have a group project to go to, but I enjoyed this a lot. Hopefully, for the next book, I won't be stressing so I can in-depth analyze it. Bye.
Ship: I don't have one. . .
Snake: Anna
Gemini: Konstantin
Like: Alyosha, Morozko, the little house spirits, Solovey
~Book Panda
How's your day been? Mine has been a waste. I meant to start/finish a paper before the next week deadline, so I wasn't stressed. You know what I did instead? Finished a book I should've finished Friday and this book I'm gonna talk about right now.
I just finished The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden, the first in the Winternight Trilogy. It's a rendition of Russian folklore, though I couldn't tell you the entirety of the folklore. Basically, the book takes place in a fantastical medieval Russia, out in the low key country/forest. Vasilisa's mother dies giving birth to her. Eventually, her father gets remarried and the stepmother is, as per usual, a monster. She's made it impossible to follow their old ways, with major consequences following. Then she tries to send Vasilisa away, who's the only one keeping their lands functional. With little house spirits and mysterious demons, this should not have taken me five days to read, but alas.
So, I've been waiting for the final book in this series to come out for a while. Since it had been a while, I forgot what it was about. Then I read the blurb, and I was furious. I could've used this book for my whole paper. But it's fine. I'm not bitter or anything. Plus, it's a good book. I've developed a love for fairy tales and this is like something I want to write. A whole fairy tale, but in novel form. I think a bit of what took me so long was because I was used to reading like, 10-page fairy tales with wide margins and this is a whole 300-page book. Also, the fact that I was angry that if I read faster earlier in the year, I could have used this for my paper. But all is well.
Vasilisa is a queen. She was born in the wrong time period and could be the wildest girl she wanted it she was created in the 21st century. Unfortunately, she wasn't, and that's part of the purpose of the story. I like how she always stays true to herself. She trusts herself more than those around her and she doesn't succumb to the will of the patriarchy. I also appreciate her brother, Alyosha? I don't really understand the Russian naming system. There's like five different names people are called and I'm not sure why. Like, Vasilisa is called Vasya most of the time. But why? I guess I should go look up Russian stuff. Anyway, Alyosha is a cool dude. I also liked Sasha, but he was kind of pretentious for no reason. I like how he went off to be a monk, but he's very bad at it.
Konstantin was a wild creature. Like, part of me liked him but the other part wanted him to just chill. Stay in church and paint your pictures. Also, he was very God-fearing, which is whatever, but he painted idols and the people worshipped him. So doesn't that make him an idolatrous? I know I don't read my Bible like I should, but that's what it looked like. Morozko is interesting. I know she's not to trust him, because he's chaotic neutral Jack Frost, but I do. Her dad, patriarchal. The oldest brother, patriarchal. Anna. Needs to go to an asylum. Why couldn't her dad just put her in the convent? All my problems would be solved. I kind of understand her, but also, go away.
All right, I have a group project to go to, but I enjoyed this a lot. Hopefully, for the next book, I won't be stressing so I can in-depth analyze it. Bye.
Ship: I don't have one. . .
Snake: Anna
Gemini: Konstantin
Like: Alyosha, Morozko, the little house spirits, Solovey
~Book Panda
May 1, 2019
Alex, Approximately
Welcome to we're not drowning yet, even though we should be, because we're an English major. Or maybe I just don't care. That wouldn't be good, because I have two years and four more rounds of exams to go. I feel all good though, because I bought my work people donut holes, and I bought this girl coffee, and I figured out how to talk to this other girl. So everything is maybe working? Who knows.
I finished Alex, Approximately today, by Jenn Bennett. It's this cute story about this girl named Bailey, who's a film buff. She made this online friend, Alex, and they bonded over the movies they like. Then she moves to the same town as this guy, to live with her dad, but doesn't tell him about it, even though he's been bothering her about coming to this movie festival with him. So, her dad sets her up with a summer job and she meets this other boy, Porter, who's a bit of a dick, but sweet. So she's juggling these two guys and summer romance things happen.
You may be confused, as this isn't a fantasy book, unless you consider romance books fantasy. I read this book for a few reasons. One, my sister read it. Two, I thought it looked interesting. Three, I needed a lighthearted, easy read after finishing the monstrosity of emotions and events that was The Dark Artifices. If I read another heavy book like that after those, I would burn out and not finish it. This way, I had a little break, and it was a good one.
It was sweet and fun and both weren't as perfect as the other perceived. I thought it was wild how she didn't know he got bit by a shark though. . . Also. I'd have liked it if in the summary of the book it didn't tell me who Alex was. That isn't found out until the end. It would have been more fun if I thought the people she thought were Alex along with her. Instead, I just watched her fumble around like a silly girl when her mans was there. The dynamic between Porter and Bailey, which is what we really care about, was a ten for ten. I also like how we learned to grow and stuff. Ugh. It's just really cute. I enjoyed everything about it. Go read it while you're on the beach or where ever. This is definitely a beach book. Though, I wouldn't know what's a beach book or not, because we don't go to the beach. Whatever, bye. I have other books to read.
Ship: Bailey and Porter
~Book Panda
Welcome to we're not drowning yet, even though we should be, because we're an English major. Or maybe I just don't care. That wouldn't be good, because I have two years and four more rounds of exams to go. I feel all good though, because I bought my work people donut holes, and I bought this girl coffee, and I figured out how to talk to this other girl. So everything is maybe working? Who knows.
I finished Alex, Approximately today, by Jenn Bennett. It's this cute story about this girl named Bailey, who's a film buff. She made this online friend, Alex, and they bonded over the movies they like. Then she moves to the same town as this guy, to live with her dad, but doesn't tell him about it, even though he's been bothering her about coming to this movie festival with him. So, her dad sets her up with a summer job and she meets this other boy, Porter, who's a bit of a dick, but sweet. So she's juggling these two guys and summer romance things happen.
You may be confused, as this isn't a fantasy book, unless you consider romance books fantasy. I read this book for a few reasons. One, my sister read it. Two, I thought it looked interesting. Three, I needed a lighthearted, easy read after finishing the monstrosity of emotions and events that was The Dark Artifices. If I read another heavy book like that after those, I would burn out and not finish it. This way, I had a little break, and it was a good one.
It was sweet and fun and both weren't as perfect as the other perceived. I thought it was wild how she didn't know he got bit by a shark though. . . Also. I'd have liked it if in the summary of the book it didn't tell me who Alex was. That isn't found out until the end. It would have been more fun if I thought the people she thought were Alex along with her. Instead, I just watched her fumble around like a silly girl when her mans was there. The dynamic between Porter and Bailey, which is what we really care about, was a ten for ten. I also like how we learned to grow and stuff. Ugh. It's just really cute. I enjoyed everything about it. Go read it while you're on the beach or where ever. This is definitely a beach book. Though, I wouldn't know what's a beach book or not, because we don't go to the beach. Whatever, bye. I have other books to read.
Ship: Bailey and Porter
~Book Panda
April 29, 2019
Queen of Air and Darkness
It's me, harboring conflicted feelings and listening to Cryaotic play Pokémon Platinum on a randomizer at He's a gem. You should check him out.
Anyway, what we care about. I finished Queen of Air and Darkness, the final book in The Dark Artifices trilogy. There's. . . so much happening in this book. Basically, the first 200 pages are the Blackthorns grieving over the unnecessary death. Then, Emma and Julian have to go get the Black Volume out of Faerie because their government is corrupted as heck. They have to try and stop loving each other, but that's not new. Also, the Blackthorns have to go hide in their house. And, of course, they have to try and save everyone before they spontaneously combust, because the government is incompetent and prejudice.
I have so many feelings. I did only cry because I was happy and then sad about people's feelings. I'll kind of just go through some things. I did not enjoy soulless Julian. Normally, soulless people are hot, like soulless Stiles from Teen Wolf and soulless Sam from Supernatural, but I hated Julian. I wanted to just throat chop him. My threesome ship did some things, so that was definitely good. I love Ty more than anything, you know this, but I was a little annoyed at him in this one. I was rooting for Kit and he was one of the reasons I cried. He just. . . and he didn't. . . but he. . . huh. I hate that this book is so long and there's so much spoil material. This book is literally 893 pages. That's 2-3 books. Cassandra. No one told you to snap. OH!
THIS BOOK COMES WITH SOME ART! AND IT'S GORGEOUS. She SNAPPED snapped. Anyway. I'm glad Dru has more presence. I still love Ty, but I had to love Kit more. Because he had my feelings. Aline was kind of annoying. Hm. Giants are cool ;) Kieran's character arc is so good. Like, I hated him in the first book, and now I really like him. I also like how so many of The Mortal Instruments squad showed up. I love all of them with my heart and feelings.
Umm. I can't think of anything else without spoiling the whole book. It's so long. Go read it. If they don't have it in Portugal or wherever I'll write the country an angry letter on your behalf. I don't know Portuguese, but I'm sure they can feel the sentiment. Now I gotta decompress with a romance novel. Spoiler, we know who Alex is. See you later. Hopefully in a reasonable time. Finals are coming up and I have like three papers.
Ship: Emma and Julien, Kit and Ty, Cristina and Mark and Kieran, Alex and Magnus, Clary and Jace, Diana and Gwyn
Snake: Cohort, racists
Series: 10/10
~Book Panda
It's me, harboring conflicted feelings and listening to Cryaotic play Pokémon Platinum on a randomizer at He's a gem. You should check him out.
Anyway, what we care about. I finished Queen of Air and Darkness, the final book in The Dark Artifices trilogy. There's. . . so much happening in this book. Basically, the first 200 pages are the Blackthorns grieving over the unnecessary death. Then, Emma and Julian have to go get the Black Volume out of Faerie because their government is corrupted as heck. They have to try and stop loving each other, but that's not new. Also, the Blackthorns have to go hide in their house. And, of course, they have to try and save everyone before they spontaneously combust, because the government is incompetent and prejudice.
I have so many feelings. I did only cry because I was happy and then sad about people's feelings. I'll kind of just go through some things. I did not enjoy soulless Julian. Normally, soulless people are hot, like soulless Stiles from Teen Wolf and soulless Sam from Supernatural, but I hated Julian. I wanted to just throat chop him. My threesome ship did some things, so that was definitely good. I love Ty more than anything, you know this, but I was a little annoyed at him in this one. I was rooting for Kit and he was one of the reasons I cried. He just. . . and he didn't. . . but he. . . huh. I hate that this book is so long and there's so much spoil material. This book is literally 893 pages. That's 2-3 books. Cassandra. No one told you to snap. OH!
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This is from the book |
Umm. I can't think of anything else without spoiling the whole book. It's so long. Go read it. If they don't have it in Portugal or wherever I'll write the country an angry letter on your behalf. I don't know Portuguese, but I'm sure they can feel the sentiment. Now I gotta decompress with a romance novel. Spoiler, we know who Alex is. See you later. Hopefully in a reasonable time. Finals are coming up and I have like three papers.
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Livvy comforting Julian By qissus |
Snake: Cohort, racists
Series: 10/10
~Book Panda
April 25, 2019
Lord of Shadows
It's me. I was unable to sob, because my roommate, who I grow to despise with each passing day, showed up exactly as it happened. So I'll be crying myself to sleep instead. I did help cook today, which was fun. Love cooking with other black people, and I love watching all the other white people being confused about seasoning and stuff. Also. My roommate just got in the bed, got under the covers, and turned on her little iPad, instead of turning out the lights. I haven't gotten up since she came back. But. It's. FIne.
I finished Lord of Shadows today, with only two tears. Anyway, Emma has realized how perilous it is for Julian and her to love each other, literally, so she has devised a plan to get him to stop loving her. Through his brother. Then there's news of one of the Blackthorn friends getting executed in Faerie lands, so they all go off to rescue him. This starts a quest for The Black Book, a forbidden necromancy ridden book. Oh wait, there are also unexplained sea demons along the West coast? That's before the fae boy. The demons bring about a group of bigots, so that's always fun for them. Umm, yeah. I've had a lot of sugar tonight, and none of it is helping me in the brain department.
Normally, when I know things in books, it takes me a while to read them, because of nerves and everything. I couldn't do that with this one. Why? Because it's so good. Like, sooooo good. Ms. Clare has no right to this type of power. And yet, here she is. Anyway, Julian and Emma are still so good. Julian is the most heartless and heartwarming bitch, and I love him. Emma is fierce. We adore. We finally get Kit! I adore him too. He's like Jace, but smol and good and less self-destructive. Also comes from a less loving home, and he kind of feels like Emma, like they don't really need her, but you know who needs him? Ty. You know who I love more than I love myself? Ty. Tiberius Nero Blackthorn deserves every single good thing in the Shadowhunter world. Everything. But Kit, he's so bi/pan and it's so good. He's so cute. I also have this headcanon that Julian is bisexual, but that's neither here nor there. Kit just needs somewhere to belong and a nice BOY. Maybe one with, black hair and gray eyes. Maybe one that deserves the world. And he can give him the world. TY. He's the sweetest boy and I love him so much. Ugh. I wish he was real so I can befriend him. I want to hear about his animal facts, dammit. There are not enough words to describe how much I adore Ty. Not enough. Also, I have a new thing. So, I'm not normally a polyamorous shipper. But. Cristina and Mark and Kieran? You can't have one without the other, and you can't cut one out without the other two being like, they deserve nice things. Sooooo. Cassie? There's like, 900 pages for triple relationship.
Okay. Here's what needs to happen in Queen of Air and Darkness, or I'm going to be upset. No more main deaths. Magnus. All the Blackthorns need to be okay. Ty needs to be okay. Then he needs to love Kit. And Kit needs to love Ty. And they need to kiss. If they become parabatai, I will literally fight the first person I see. Emma and Julian need to fix their curse so I can breathe again. Dru needs to find a friend, and not freaking Jaime, who's like 18, 19, 20. No. Baby, you're 13. Find a 13-year-old friend. Tavvy's kind of psychic. I want them to discover this. Clary needs to not die. If she dies Jace will be distraught, which means I will be distraught. I won't recover. I mean, I will, but he won't. I'll carry more easily accessible sadness around in my heart for all my days. It won't be okay. Zara and her father need to be beheaded pronto. I have other things, but I wanna watch this Spanish girl draw and play my Pokémon dress-up game. Bye, queens and kings. I'll see you when I see you.
Ship: Ty and Kit, Emma and Julian, Cristina and Mark and Kieran (my first poly ship?!?!), Diana and Gwyn
My Heart: Ty
Snakes: Zara, Manuel, Dearborns in general
No Longer Snakes: Diana, Mark,
I like: Gwyn
~Book Panda
It's me. I was unable to sob, because my roommate, who I grow to despise with each passing day, showed up exactly as it happened. So I'll be crying myself to sleep instead. I did help cook today, which was fun. Love cooking with other black people, and I love watching all the other white people being confused about seasoning and stuff. Also. My roommate just got in the bed, got under the covers, and turned on her little iPad, instead of turning out the lights. I haven't gotten up since she came back. But. It's. FIne.
I finished Lord of Shadows today, with only two tears. Anyway, Emma has realized how perilous it is for Julian and her to love each other, literally, so she has devised a plan to get him to stop loving her. Through his brother. Then there's news of one of the Blackthorn friends getting executed in Faerie lands, so they all go off to rescue him. This starts a quest for The Black Book, a forbidden necromancy ridden book. Oh wait, there are also unexplained sea demons along the West coast? That's before the fae boy. The demons bring about a group of bigots, so that's always fun for them. Umm, yeah. I've had a lot of sugar tonight, and none of it is helping me in the brain department.
Normally, when I know things in books, it takes me a while to read them, because of nerves and everything. I couldn't do that with this one. Why? Because it's so good. Like, sooooo good. Ms. Clare has no right to this type of power. And yet, here she is. Anyway, Julian and Emma are still so good. Julian is the most heartless and heartwarming bitch, and I love him. Emma is fierce. We adore. We finally get Kit! I adore him too. He's like Jace, but smol and good and less self-destructive. Also comes from a less loving home, and he kind of feels like Emma, like they don't really need her, but you know who needs him? Ty. You know who I love more than I love myself? Ty. Tiberius Nero Blackthorn deserves every single good thing in the Shadowhunter world. Everything. But Kit, he's so bi/pan and it's so good. He's so cute. I also have this headcanon that Julian is bisexual, but that's neither here nor there. Kit just needs somewhere to belong and a nice BOY. Maybe one with, black hair and gray eyes. Maybe one that deserves the world. And he can give him the world. TY. He's the sweetest boy and I love him so much. Ugh. I wish he was real so I can befriend him. I want to hear about his animal facts, dammit. There are not enough words to describe how much I adore Ty. Not enough. Also, I have a new thing. So, I'm not normally a polyamorous shipper. But. Cristina and Mark and Kieran? You can't have one without the other, and you can't cut one out without the other two being like, they deserve nice things. Sooooo. Cassie? There's like, 900 pages for triple relationship.
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Julian and his baby baby By taratjah |
Okay. Here's what needs to happen in Queen of Air and Darkness, or I'm going to be upset. No more main deaths. Magnus. All the Blackthorns need to be okay. Ty needs to be okay. Then he needs to love Kit. And Kit needs to love Ty. And they need to kiss. If they become parabatai, I will literally fight the first person I see. Emma and Julian need to fix their curse so I can breathe again. Dru needs to find a friend, and not freaking Jaime, who's like 18, 19, 20. No. Baby, you're 13. Find a 13-year-old friend. Tavvy's kind of psychic. I want them to discover this. Clary needs to not die. If she dies Jace will be distraught, which means I will be distraught. I won't recover. I mean, I will, but he won't. I'll carry more easily accessible sadness around in my heart for all my days. It won't be okay. Zara and her father need to be beheaded pronto. I have other things, but I wanna watch this Spanish girl draw and play my Pokémon dress-up game. Bye, queens and kings. I'll see you when I see you.
Ship: Ty and Kit, Emma and Julian, Cristina and Mark and Kieran (my first poly ship?!?!), Diana and Gwyn
My Heart: Ty
Snakes: Zara, Manuel, Dearborns in general
No Longer Snakes: Diana, Mark,
I like: Gwyn
~Book Panda
April 21, 2019
Lady Midnight
Hi lovelies,
Happy Easter, to those who celebrate. To those who don't, happy 420. And to those who don't care about either of those, whassup? I'm writing this, both impatiently and to delay the inevitable.
Today I finished Lady Midnight, Cassandra Clare's first book in the Dark Artifices trilogy. Taking place in 2012 in at the Los Angeles, we have Emma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn, parabatai. Ever since the Dark Wars, Emma has sought revenge over the deaths of her parents. The Clave told her Sebastian killed them, but she knows otherwise. Julian has been taking care of his four younger siblings since he was twelve when his father and both of his older, half-fae siblings were sent away. He's harboring secrets upon secrets, and that's no good. Enter Mark Blackthorn, one of said castaway half-fae siblings. The fae, pariahed after the war with the Cold Peace, are asking for the Blackthorn's help in solving a string of murders in Los Angeles in exchange for their brother, who had been taken by the Wild Hunt. And so Mark becomes another secret along with everything else.
Whew. So, this book? So good. Much like literally everything Cassandra writes. Like, how do you get that much talent in your body? Anyway, I reread this book, but it was basically new. Emma? Great. We stan a sarcastic queen. Julian? I love him. Not many people can do what he does and my heart breaks for him, but I also want to love him forever.
I—you know what? I'm just gonna detail my thoughts on all characters in the hopes that it'll stop me from spoiling.
Mark is kind of a dick. I know he's been through a lot and he has to adjust, but even when he's adjusted, he's a dick. Wants all the rewards without working for it. Like, leave. But not literally. Diana is also a piece of work. I kind of know why, I don't remember everything, but she expects things she doesn't give and I don't vibe with that. They all might as well be without an adult. Cristina is kind of like a study abroad student. Her presence is so comforting. Tavvy is the baby. Sometimes he's older than seven, in his words, but that's okay. Even queens must have flaws. Dru is quirky and great. Livvy. *sigh* She's so sweet, I'm so upset. That's all. I adore Ty with all my heart. He's such a good boy and if anyone hurts him I'm calling the police. I'll also probably cry.
In the vaguest terms possible, to avoid spoilers and frustrate you so you go read it if you haven't, here's what I want/need to happen. I need Ty to flourish, follow his dreams, and fall in love, in no particular order. I need curses to be cured. Period. I need Julian to be okay and happy because he deserves it. I also want someone not to die. I will be devastated. And then I'll start crying all over again because he'll be devastated and it will all be a hot mess.
I think that's all I have to say at the moment. Also, sorry it's been so long. I kind of stalled reading this first one, because I knew I was eventually going to be sad. Also, I finished writing that horrible thing I was writing for Dion. Yay for that. Anyways, I'll read the next 700-page book as soon as possible. Bye, love you.
Ship: Emma and Julian
Love: Ty, Julian, Tavvy
Snek: *spoiler*, Robert, Mark, Diana
~Book Panda
Happy Easter, to those who celebrate. To those who don't, happy 420. And to those who don't care about either of those, whassup? I'm writing this, both impatiently and to delay the inevitable.
Today I finished Lady Midnight, Cassandra Clare's first book in the Dark Artifices trilogy. Taking place in 2012 in at the Los Angeles, we have Emma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn, parabatai. Ever since the Dark Wars, Emma has sought revenge over the deaths of her parents. The Clave told her Sebastian killed them, but she knows otherwise. Julian has been taking care of his four younger siblings since he was twelve when his father and both of his older, half-fae siblings were sent away. He's harboring secrets upon secrets, and that's no good. Enter Mark Blackthorn, one of said castaway half-fae siblings. The fae, pariahed after the war with the Cold Peace, are asking for the Blackthorn's help in solving a string of murders in Los Angeles in exchange for their brother, who had been taken by the Wild Hunt. And so Mark becomes another secret along with everything else.
Whew. So, this book? So good. Much like literally everything Cassandra writes. Like, how do you get that much talent in your body? Anyway, I reread this book, but it was basically new. Emma? Great. We stan a sarcastic queen. Julian? I love him. Not many people can do what he does and my heart breaks for him, but I also want to love him forever.
I—you know what? I'm just gonna detail my thoughts on all characters in the hopes that it'll stop me from spoiling.
Mark is kind of a dick. I know he's been through a lot and he has to adjust, but even when he's adjusted, he's a dick. Wants all the rewards without working for it. Like, leave. But not literally. Diana is also a piece of work. I kind of know why, I don't remember everything, but she expects things she doesn't give and I don't vibe with that. They all might as well be without an adult. Cristina is kind of like a study abroad student. Her presence is so comforting. Tavvy is the baby. Sometimes he's older than seven, in his words, but that's okay. Even queens must have flaws. Dru is quirky and great. Livvy. *sigh* She's so sweet, I'm so upset. That's all. I adore Ty with all my heart. He's such a good boy and if anyone hurts him I'm calling the police. I'll also probably cry.
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Emma and Julian by cameocamille |
I think that's all I have to say at the moment. Also, sorry it's been so long. I kind of stalled reading this first one, because I knew I was eventually going to be sad. Also, I finished writing that horrible thing I was writing for Dion. Yay for that. Anyways, I'll read the next 700-page book as soon as possible. Bye, love you.
Ship: Emma and Julian
Love: Ty, Julian, Tavvy
Snek: *spoiler*, Robert, Mark, Diana
~Book Panda
April 12, 2019
Once a King
Hey it's me,
So stressed I'm calm because I keep procrastinating the 3.5 papers I have to finish this weekend. The half is not something I HAVE to do but is also something I have to do. Dion wants it, I gotta get it to her. But it's so bad that I don't really want to look at it ever again. But I must. *sigh*

Once a King is about this summit of competitions thing the land has to bring together all the leaders of all the different lands. Aodren, the king, is trying to figure out what's happening in his kingdom while trying to leverage his way to winning the summit to bring Malam together. Lirra is trying to figure out what her father is up to by finishing this job to the best of her abilities. Aodren is trying to welcome Channelers back into Malamian society, but there's this thing that's hindering the process. He asks Lirra for help and she's hesitant, but she's also nosy, so she helps.
Do you understand how many times I almost stopped reading this book? At least three. That's three too many. First of all, Erin had to audacity to try and kill of Leif, the best character in all of these books. I literally almost put this book in my bag to go back to the library and started reading about villains and whatnot. For the people, I looked to see if he lived, and he did. So I finished. Then, though this book was supposed to happen in the time span of about two weeks it was going so slow. I didn't care what was happening, I didn't care who was selling bad oil. I was sure it was her dad but didn't really care. Then there's the fact that Erin blatantly lied. I'm not gay, I'm ace but like, het-ace, which is kind of disappointing. But still. If you're going to tell the people there will be LGBTQ themes in the future and then there aren't, I feel offended, I'm sure they feel offended. There are just bad feelings all around. No one likes that.
Between all of that, I was just kind of fed up with this book. If I hadn't finished this book last night, I'm not sure if I would have. I had a villain anthology and The Dark Artifices in my shelf. Those are much more interesting. I have nothing else to say about this book. It didn't hit.
Ship: no
Like: no
Series: 5.7/10
~Book Panda
So stressed I'm calm because I keep procrastinating the 3.5 papers I have to finish this weekend. The half is not something I HAVE to do but is also something I have to do. Dion wants it, I gotta get it to her. But it's so bad that I don't really want to look at it ever again. But I must. *sigh*

Once a King is about this summit of competitions thing the land has to bring together all the leaders of all the different lands. Aodren, the king, is trying to figure out what's happening in his kingdom while trying to leverage his way to winning the summit to bring Malam together. Lirra is trying to figure out what her father is up to by finishing this job to the best of her abilities. Aodren is trying to welcome Channelers back into Malamian society, but there's this thing that's hindering the process. He asks Lirra for help and she's hesitant, but she's also nosy, so she helps.
Do you understand how many times I almost stopped reading this book? At least three. That's three too many. First of all, Erin had to audacity to try and kill of Leif, the best character in all of these books. I literally almost put this book in my bag to go back to the library and started reading about villains and whatnot. For the people, I looked to see if he lived, and he did. So I finished. Then, though this book was supposed to happen in the time span of about two weeks it was going so slow. I didn't care what was happening, I didn't care who was selling bad oil. I was sure it was her dad but didn't really care. Then there's the fact that Erin blatantly lied. I'm not gay, I'm ace but like, het-ace, which is kind of disappointing. But still. If you're going to tell the people there will be LGBTQ themes in the future and then there aren't, I feel offended, I'm sure they feel offended. There are just bad feelings all around. No one likes that.
Between all of that, I was just kind of fed up with this book. If I hadn't finished this book last night, I'm not sure if I would have. I had a villain anthology and The Dark Artifices in my shelf. Those are much more interesting. I have nothing else to say about this book. It didn't hit.
Ship: no
Like: no
Series: 5.7/10
~Book Panda
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