March 23, 2017

The Dark Days Pact

Hello aide? Sure. You aren't a Reclaimer yet.

Alright, I know. I realize it's been like over a week. Do I have a good excuse? Not really. Was I sick? Not anymore. The only possibly acceptable excuse is that this book has almost 500 pages. Of course, this has never hindered me in the past, but whatever. I don't have to explain myself to you, reader.

I finished a book titled The Dark Days Pact, second to The Dark Days Club. I feel like you know what's about to happen. Those two are a couple of very dense, very complex books. I couldn't do the summary justice. Besides, if you haven't read the first one yet you'd be confused then mad at me because I spoiled stuff for you so there you go: links.

Since I kind of care about your reading experience (though I'm not totally sure you aren't a government official) I'll try to keep my rants out of spoiler territory. So, when William isn't raging, he's a sweetheart and I love him. Gerard needs to move on and stop being that one white kid that has to get his way no matter what. He's annoying and I now hate him. I feel like I always knew about Michael. It was kind of obvious to me. Margaret should pull that stick out of her butt, because that's not what that's for. Darby and Nathaniel should elope.

Ha! No spoilers (kind of) because of christian names. I rigged the system. Also, after reading blogs to help me remember books, I don't think I'm doing this right. Do I care though? Not in the slightest, because my readers haven't complained yet. That was a joke about me having readers, sad and not funny. Ha!

~Book Panda

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