September 1, 2018

Replica and Ringer

Hey its,

How's life? I'm listening to Eminem's "Kamikaze" album right now, so that's a thing. I was gonna say something else, but I fell into the rap flow. . . is that a thing? Heck, if I know.  Oh. Oh wait, did you come for. . . content? Sorry, dude. We don't have that here. We have something some may call trash.

Well, if you're still here for book stuff. I'll give you book stuff. It might not be good book stuff, but you didn't come for that, did you? No, you came because you're bored in France and you're wondering how the silly American is doing today (Marshall is out here wilding). I'm not spiraling, so that's a plus.

Boom: Content. I finished Replica on the 28th, and it was kind of a lot. So Replica's a story of two girls, Lyra and Gemma. In Lyra's story, she's a replica, a clone. She's lived in a lab her whole life until she doesn't. Lyra and a boy, who is known by the number 72, escape the lab and try to learn how to live in the world when they weren't allowed to live until then. Gemma lives with overprotective parents--like she can't participate in PE because they're "worried about her health". Despite they're helicoptering, she goes to Florida and discovers Haven and a couple of its occupants. She tries to assist them any way she can while trying to hatch Haven's secrets.

Wow, that was rough. In my defense, it's been a while and I'm writing this a few days after I finished it, whilst reading another book. Here, have a real summary. (Marshall just went after some guy on Twitter because he's dumb. Sir. S-sir. Sir, please.)

So, I really enjoyed this book. The sci-fi/contemporary/drama thing worked for me, and I loved the two-books-in-one format. I alternated between the two stories, starring with Lyra's. Lyra 72/bae were my favorites. They needed to be protected from everything. Gemma was cool too, but I didn't like how she talked about herself. It was clear that she didn't like how her body was because she was thiccc, but I felt like Lauren Oliver didn't have to go so hard on that. It made me sad and I wasn't really sure where it came from. I don't recall the girls at her school ever bothering her about her weight, but maybe my memory is bad.

I could probably write this better, but it isn't fresh. Oh well, what can you do? Don't answer that, you smart-alecky Frenchman. I don't need that today.

Ship: Lyra and 72, Pete and Gemma
Screw you: Dr. Sapdfifjefwehe, Dad


What? You thought I was gonna talk about only one book when two are in the title? What are you on? No, we got two reviews, if you can call them that. Gotta keep that content fresh, exciting, and unpredictable.

*If you haven't read Replica, stop reading, as there'll probs be spoilers*

This is Ringer, again by Lauren Oliver. It's the second and final book in the Replica duology. We got two stories again, so get ready. Gemma is trying to live a normal life after finding out Haven's dark secrets. She finally figured out how to, but then she realized her dad was a dick and had sold out Lyra and Caelum. She goes to warn them. Lyra and Caelum are living with Lyra's OG dad. The both of them are trying to acclimate to normal life, but then Caelum up and disappears. As they are one, Lyra follows him despite her advancing sickness. They go on their adventure and realize that the world is so much bigger than they could have ever imagined.

This time, I started with Gemma's story, but I still alternated chapters. This book didn't disappoint, despite it being a second. Sometimes second installments flop, but it was just as good as the one before. It's very raw and real and so many other things I don't know how to describe.

Pete is kind of a dick, but I guess her dad's a dick, so she's used to it. I love Lyra with all my heart. I wish she would survive, but alas, it isn't written in the stars. Having the insights from the other stories was very nerve-wracking. Knowing people are snakes when the characters don't know they're with snakes gives me a lot of nervousness. . . sure.

All in all, good series. Good books. Would recommend.

Ship: Lyra and Caelum
Stress shows you're a dick: Pete
Snake: Dr. O'Donnell. Dr. Sapenstein, Dad, Calliope

Series: 8/10

~Book Panda

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